“Ina” symbolises the pure form of our souls and encourages us to find our hidden power to conquer the pitfalls.
“Ina” keeps telling us about the creative aspects of our chaotic days!
These blogs are here to give you some ideas about realistic experiences with “Ina”.
“There one might have sat the clock round lost in thought. Thought - to call it by a prouder name than it deserved - had let its line down into the stream.”, A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf
Here I share some excerpts from my notebook. It’s a step towards a serene “Practice of Literature”. These short stories will give you some reasons to think deeper.
Go to Tune Tersely
“Tune Tersely” is a monthly pamphlet.
Well, it’s a little biased toward students!
Some philosophical ideas, quotes and “1/4-7 Rule” will ease your anxiety over productivity and study methods.
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We can develop the assurance that yes, today and every day, my conscience is my cynosure.